PREParation for Appalachian Research Experiences (PREPARE)

The PREParation for Appalachian Research Experiences (PREPARE) is a customized research mentoring program for research grant-interested junior faculty at Appalachian State University.  Each cohort is introduced to a mentor network which assists these individuals with establishing a realistic research agenda, improving grantsmanship skills, seeking appropriate external funding source, and promoting compliance with internal and external protocols in an effort to increase successful grant submissions. 

PREPARE provides grant development and grant submission training for up to nine junior faculty during the academic year. Faculty are introduced to a mentor network (scientific, senior, staff, and peer) to support establishing a realistic research agenda, improving grantsmanship skills, seeking appropriate external funding sources, and promoting compliance with internal and external protocols. Participants are required to meet regularly with their peer network throughout the program. Participants should anticipate preparing and submitting a grant proposal within 12-24 months. This program is largely self-paced and designed for the participant who is dedicated to attending the educational sessions and who will dedicate the writing time to write a grant proposal.

Ideal candidates are those not yet a PI on a large grant but are seeking external grant funding.

To see if the application window is open for your college, please visit the InfoReady Review Application Portal here.

What participants have to say about the program:

"I’ve found this program really helpful for learning about the resources, skills, and tools needed for pursuing grant opportunities. As a new professor, I had no idea where to start and it is very overwhelming. This program made it feel more understandable and less terrifying."  - Psychology faculty

"Most valuable aspect of PREPARE for me is the mentor. I learn how to do it in the workshops, but to have someone showing me how it is actually done is immensely helpful. So I focus on those interactions." - Chemistry & Fermentation Sciences faculty

"For the first time in my career, I feel like I am equipped with the tools that I need to be successful. Grant writing is an immensely important part of my work. And over the course of this program I have forced myself to commit to the program and follow through. As a result I have discovered that it is much easier to complete and submit a proposal that I had previously thought and dare I say fun." - Chemistry & Fermentation Sciences faculty

For more information about the program, please contact Grants Resources & Services at

Past Participants


YeJun Bae, PhD., Learning, Teaching, and Curriculum
Brandy Bryson, PhD., Leadership & Educational Studies
Mac-Jane Crayton, PhD., Government & Justice Studies
Christopher Marier, PhD., Government & Justice Studies
Todd Stincic, PhD., Biology
Qingqing Sun, PhD., Sustainable Technology and the Built Environment
Bhuwan Thapa, PhD., Geography & Planning
Wei Xie, PhD., Computer Information Systems



Tempestt Adams, PhD., Curriculum & Instruction
Hye-Sung Kim, PhD., Government & Justice Studies
Savannah Murray, PhD., Rhetoric and Writing Studies
Kelly Renwick, PhD.,  Interdiscplinary Studies
Cara Schriber, Biology
Kevin Sutton, PhD., Curriculum & Instruction
Marketa Zimova, PhD., Biology



Eduardo de Campos, PhD., Chemistry & Fermentation Sciences
Rachel Bleich, PhD., Biology



Reagan Breitenstein, PhD., Psychology
Anastacia Schulhoff, PhD., Sociology
Roshani Silwal, PhD., Physics & Astronomy
Christian Wallen, PhD., Chemistry & Fermentation Sciences
Juhee Woo, PhD., Sociology



College of Fine & Applied Arts

Aniseh Bro, PhD., Sustainable Development
Kelly Chernin, PhD., Communication
Karis Foster, PhD., Applied Design
Chelsea Helms, Applied Design
Lynette Holman, PhD., Communication
Greg Perrault, PhD., Communication
Bert Stabler, PhD., Art Education
Mira Waits, PhD., Art
Rebecca Witter, PhD., Sustainable Development


College of Arts & Sciences

Basset Hamza, PhD., Computer Science
Ercan Oruc Duygu, PhD., Chemistry & Fermentation Sciences
Marc Kissel, PhD., Anthropology
Michael Reddish, PhD., Chemistry & Fermentation Sciences


Beaver College of Health Sciences

Jennifer Buff, PhD., Communication Sciences & Disorders
Jordan Hazlewood, PhD., Communication Sciences & Disorders


College of Arts & Sciences

Emanuele Alves, PhD., Chemistry & Fermentation Sciences
Craig Caldwell, PhD., History
Jackie Hersh, PhD., Psychology
Quinn Morris, PhD., Mathematical Sciences
Folarin Oguntoyinbo, PhD., Chemistry & Fermentation Sciences
Michael Opata, PhD., Biology
Nicholas Shaw, PhD., Chemistry & Fermentation Sciences
Dieter Weber, PhD., Chemistry & Fermentation Sciences


funded by a grant from the National Council of University Research Administrator (NCURA)
Beaver College of Health Sciences

Dana Brackney, PhD., Nursing
Richard Christiana, PhD., Health & Exercise Science
Beth Fiske, PhD., Nursing
Emily Lakey, PhD., Communication Sciences & Disorders
Sandi Lane, PhD.,  Nutrition & Healthcare Management
Kim McCullough, PhD., Communication Sciences & Disorders
Marco Meucci, PhD.,  Health & Exercise Science
Kyle Thompson, PhD., Nutrition & Healthcare Management
Becki Turpin, PhD., Nursing