Sign up for funding opportunity announcements
Faculty can receive personalized funding alert e-mails through Pivot, a database of funding opportunities. These alerts are based on keywords and preferences selected for each individual, so they can be set up for specific projects or research interests. To sign up, just e-mail a brief description of the topics or projects for which you would like to receive funding alerts.
Current deadlines newsletters
GRC Deadlines is a monthly compilation of federal and private grant programs that have submission deadlines within the next 90 days. Programs are grouped into four categories: Arts/Humanities/International; Education/Human and Community Development; Health/Mental Health; and, Science/Engineering. Produced by the AASCU's Grants Resource Center. Access: Create or update your credentials here or email for assistance.
Research Development & Grantwriting News is a monthly newsletter produced by Academic Research Funding Strategies.
How To
- Departmental Assignments
- F&A Rates
- Faculty Editors & Co-Editors of Journals
- Fringe Benefits & Payroll Deductions
- Funding Alerts
- Internal Grants
- International Travel
- NC Debarred Vendors
- Office of Student Research
- Research Computing Services
- Sponsored Programs Reports
- Travel
- University Research Council
- ASU Policy Manual
- Buy out
- Conflict of Interest at ASU and in the UNC system
- Export Controls
- External Professional Activities for Pay
- F&A
- Faculty Handbook
- Gift vs. Grant
- Human Subjects, Payments, and Recruitment
- IP Transfer
- Recombinant DNA
- Radiation Safety
- Responsible Conduct of Research
- Unmanned aircraft (Drones)