This curated list includes opportunities specific to the region or to North Carolina.
North Carolina Biotechnology Center NC Event Sponsorship
This grant promotes and supports events that advance the understanding or application of biotechnology research, education, or business to benefit North Carolina. Applications may come from any nonprofit organization planning a conference, workshop or other event in North Carolina focusing on biotechnology or its related aspects.
Deadlines: Quarterly in March, June, September, and December.
Community Foundation of Western North Carolina Pigeon River Fund
Grants are typically for one-year and will range from $4,000 to $30,000. The Pigeon River Fund exists to improve the waters of Haywood, Buncombe and Madison counties. The fund prioritizes funding for requests that:
- Support efforts to address water quality issues in streams or watersheds that are identified as priorities in watershed action plans.
- Promote projects that address comprehensive issues and will have long term impact.
- Encourage education and awareness of water quality issues preferably focused on helping individuals understand how their actions relate to the overall health of the river basin.
- Install stream improvements that are part of a coordinated multi-faceted effort and will result in significant improvement in water quality.
Deadlines: Mid-March and Mid-September
North Carolina Biotechnology Center Biotechnology Innovation Grant
A maximum of $100,000 for up to 18 months will be awarded. The purpose of the Biotechnology Innovation Grant (BIG) program is to support studies at North Carolina research institutions that enable commercialization of early-stage university life science inventions that have significant commercial potential. Typically, funding will support studies that yield a “go/no-go decision” regarding the pursuit of intellectual property protection and/or commercialization of the invention.
Deadlines: Mid-September: Preliminary Proposal. Early February: Final Deadline
North Carolina Biotechnology Center Institutional Development Grant
This grant provides funding up to $200,000. The institution is required to provide 25% matching funds toward equipment purchase. Grant funds support the purchase of research equipment or facilities that will support at least three Principle Investigators.
Deadline: Early October
National Humanities Center Fellowships
This fund supports fellowships for advanced studies in the humanities. Applicants must hold a Doctorate or equivalent, as well as a record of publication. Stipends are individually determined, according to the needs of the Fellow and the Center's ability to meet them. The Center seeks to provide at least half salary and also covers travel expenses to and from North Carolina for Fellows and dependents.
Deadline: Mid-October
North Carolina Arts Council Artist Fellowships-Songwriters, Composers, and Writers
This fund operates on a 2-year cycle. Songwriters, composers, and writers are eligible for the November 1, 2016 deadline. Supports North Carolina Composers of chamber, electronic, experimental, jazz & symphonic music, as well as songwriters of Christian/gospel, contemporary acoustic/folk, country, hip-hop, pop/adult contemporary, R&B and rock/alternative genres. Funds may be used for equipment and materials, to set aside time to work, or for artistic and professional development.
Deadline: Early November
North Carolina Arts Council Artist Fellowships-Choreographers
This fund operates on a 2-year cycle. Choreographers and visual, craft, and film/video artists will be eligible to apply in November, 2017. Supports North Carolina choreographers of Ballet, Ethnic dance, Folk dance, Jazz dance, and Modern dance. Funds may be used for equipment and materials, to set aside time to work, or for artistic and professional development.
Deadline: Early November
North Carolina Arts Council Artist Fellowship-Craft Artist
This fund operates on a 2-year cycle. This grant supports North Carolina craft artists. Choreographers and visual, craft, and film/video artists will be eligible to apply in November 2017. The focus of this particular fellowship is craft, such as basketry, ceramics, enamel, fiber, glass, jewelry, leather, metal, mixed media, natural materials, paper, textiles, or wood. Funds may be used to set aside time to work, pursue further artistic development, and buy supplies and equipment, including costs related to studio construction or improvements.
Deadline: Early November
North Carolina Arts Council Artist Fellowships-Visual Artist
This fund operates on a 2-year cycle. Choreographers and visual, craft, and film/video artists will be eligible to apply in November, 2017. The focus of this particular fellowship is visual art by North Carolina artists, such as art in experimental forms, graphic art, installation art, mixed media art, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, and visually based performance art. Funds may be used to set aside time to work, pursue further artistic development, and buy supplies and equipment, including costs related to studio construction or improvements.
Deadline: Early November
North Carolina Arts Council Fellowships-Writers
This fund operates on a 2-year cycle. Songwriters, composers, and writers are eligible for the November 1, 2016 deadline.This fund supports North Carolina writers in poetry, prose, playwriting, and screenwriting. Funds may be used to set aside time to work, pursue further artistic development, and buy supplies and equipment, including costs related to studio construction or improvements.
Deadline: Early November
North Carolina Arts Council Artists Fellowship-Film and Video
This fund operates on a 2-year cycle. Choreographers and visual, craft, and film/video artists will be eligible to apply in November, 2017. Applicants must have completed at least one film, which should be documented on their résumé. This fund supports the artistic and professional development of a North Carolina artist in film or video, and funds may be used to set aside time to work, pursue projects that further artistic development and support the realization of specific creative ideas, or buy supplies and equipment.
Deadline: Early November
North Carolina Arts Council Grassroots Arts Program
This fund supports arts programming that allows citizens to experience the arts in their own communities. Activities include festivals, concerts, dance and theater productions, artist-in-schools programs, galleries, and special events.
Deadline: Early March
North Carolina Arts Council Regional Artist Project Grants
This fund allows local art councils to fund projects within their region. These grants allow professional artists to pursue projects that further their professional development and artistic career.
Deadline: Early March
McColl Center for Visual Art Artist In Residence Program
This program supports artists through funding, materials, and studio space during an 11-12 week residency in Charlotte. Artists engage with the public through open studios, outreaches, community projects, exhibitions, and educational programs. Artists-in-Residence receive a stipend ($3,300), materials budget ($2,000), travel allowance, and housing (if outside of Charlotte).
Deadline: Continuous
*Community Foundation of Western North Carolina Women for Women Grant
* Limited: Organizations may not submit more than one grant application at a time.
Women for women strives to improve the lives of women and girls in North Carolina. The organization will make grants from $15,000 to $100,000, which may be used over one or two years. Each year, the grant focuses on a specific theme for proposals.
Deadlines: Early November: Letter of Intent (Required)
Mid January: Full Proposals
USDA On-Farm Research Grant Program
The Southern Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program seeks proposals for on-farm research that will help producers understand and adopt sustainable agriculture practices. See website for a list of focus areas. Projects may be funded up to two years for a project maximum of $15,000, including up to 10 percent indirect costs.
Deadline: Mid-November
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Wells Fargo Environmental Solutions for Communities
Grant awards will typically range from $25,000 to $100,000 with an average grant amount of $40,000. This fund seeks to support highly-visible projects that link economic development and community well-being to the stewardship and health of the environment. Projects can include conservation, sustainable agriculture, habitat restoration, investments in green infrastructure, and encouraging broad citizen and youth participation in sustainable community projects.
Deadline: Mid-December.
*North Carolina Preservation Consortium Preservation Grants
*Limited: Institutions may apply for only one grant per year.
Maximum award is $2,000. No portion of an NCPC grant may be used for any indirect costs
Preservation grants from the North Carolina Preservation Consortium (NCPC) assist North Carolina libraries, archives, museums, and historic sites improve the preservation of their collections, including the following activities:
1. Preservation or collection assessments
2. Preservation consultations
3. Preservation Project Work
4. Environmental monitoring equipment
5. Storage furniture and enclosures
6. Tools and equipment for repair and conservation
7. Conservation of collections
8. Education and Training
Deadline: Mid-March
North Carolina Arts Council State Arts Resources Grants
Funds are provided to support the ongoing artistic and administrative functions of arts organizations that have produced consistently strong arts programs and services and demonstrated strong management and financial accountability.
Deadline: early March
American Heart Association (AHA) Awards
Several programs available through the American Heart Association including the Established Investigator Award, Institutional Undergraduate Student Award, AHA Institutional Research Enhancement Award, and the AHA Merit Award. Other awards and programs available.
Deadline: Various
Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation Social Justice and Equity Grants
The Foundation is interested in supporting efforts to protect and expand civil and human rights and provide fair access to opportunities for all North Carolina citizens. The foundation prioritizes investments that focus on eliminating structural and cultural barriers, restructuring the criminal justice system, supporting women’s rights, and increasing opportunities for immigrants.
Deadline: Early February, Early August
Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation Community Economic Development Grants
This foundation supports organizations and projects that engage stakeholders in the development and implementation of strategies that aim to narrow North Carolina's racial and gender wealth gaps by increasing, protecting, and stabilizing incomes and assets for women and communities of color; increasing the value of community assets and their control by local communities to enable the economic independence of women and communities of color; and advancing institutional policies and practices that enable wealth creation and diminish asset poverty among women and communities of color.
Deadline: Early February, Early August
Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation Environment Grants
This foundation funds a wide variety of projects to meet its environmental goals, including projects on clean energy and climate action, environmental justice, clean air and clean water, and preserving the natural landscape. Requests are granted for up to $35,000, time-span can be up to two years.
Deadline: Early February, Early August
Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation Public Education Grants
Grants in this focus area will be limited to project grants that address the need to invest in supporting and improving North Carolina's systems of public education, develop the leadership capacity of current or future school administrators, recruit and retain qualified teachers, improve the effectiveness of teachers new to the profession, and improve racial, ethnic and economic diversity of and within schools.
Deadline: Early February, Early August
Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation Strengthening Democracy Grants
For this reason, funding in this area is limited to projects that focus on good government Reforms, increased participation in government, and strengthening democracy. Grants up to $35,000 are given for projects up to two years in length.
Deadline: Early February, Early August
North Carolina Space Grant Consortium Public Outreach Mini-Grants Program
To better respond to statewide needs, NC Space Grant will conduct rolling calls requests for proposals to support public outreach and informal education efforts from community groups across the state that wish to host STEM events at their respective facility. NC Space Grant will ensure alignment with NASA priorities in awarding mini-grants. Examples of eligible projects include but are not limited to: exhibits (permanent, traveling, or virtual); STEM programs serving educators, students, and the general public; partnerships with informal education providers (e.g., youth groups, after-school programs); staff professional development; informal education programs; and curriculum support for informal science education (e.g. technology development). The solicitation will be open to public/private school districts, museums, and other not-for-profit educational organizations.
North Carolina Space Grant Consortium Educator Professional Development Institutes
In an effort to bring high-quality professional development to teachers in rural areas of the state who often have limited resources, NC Space Grant will host 2 to 3, weekend institutes over the course of the 2018-2019 academic year across the state for pre-service and in-service educators (~20 educators per session). PDI themes will be based on NASA and STEM ‘hot topics’ that are of relevance to the state of NC. Topics include, but are not limited to: unmanned aerial systems, high-altitude ballooning, CubeSat technology, remote sensing, and climate/weather research.
North Carolina Space Grant Consortium New Investigators Program
The New Investigator Program is designed to strengthen North Carolina’s research infrastructure by providing startup funding to early career college and university faculty who are conducting research that is directly aligned with NASA’s mission. NASA’s research interests embrace a wide range of science, engineering, computational and other disciplines. This opportunity is available to those who have yet to become established researchers. Awardees must be tenure track faculty who are within the first five years of their academic careers.
Burroughs Wellcome Fund Student Science Enrichment Program
This award supports hands-on science education activities for K-12 students. Programs must provide a well-defined structure that aligns with the school-day curriculum, well-trained staff, and student follow up. Program goals include improving competence in science and mathematics, nurturing enthusiasm for science and mathematics, and promoting careers in science and related fields.
Deadline: Early April
SARE Research and Education Grant
The objective of this program is to enable farmers and ranchers to move profitably toward sustainable production systems. Goals include promoting good land stewardship, protecting the health and safety of people and animals, enhancing quality of life, and strengthening rural communities.
Deadline: Early June
The Golden Leaf Foundation Economic Catalyst Cycle
The purpose of this fund is to create jobs in areas that are tobacco-dependent or economically distressed. Eligible state, regional and local economic development entities may apply for funding to create full-time equivalent positions in North Carolina. Staff contact before submitting a proposal is highly encouraged.
Deadline: Continuous
Babcock Foundation Mary Reynolds Grants
This foundation works to support nonprofit organizations in the Southeastern US that transform economic conditions in their communities. This organization is interested in grassroots approaches as well as statewide and regional programs that can have a large-scale impact.
Deadline: Continuous
North Carolina Humanities Council Planning Grants
This planning grant secures the assistance of humanities scholar/consultants to plan a project. Allowable expenses include consultants' stipends and reimbursements for travel, meals, and lodging.
Maximum award: $750
Deadline: Continuous
North Carolina Humanities Council Large Grants
**Currently the Council is only accepting large grant proposals related to the Standing Together project. Standing Together projects can receive up to $5,000 in Humanities Council funds. The large grant requires the submission of a draft proposal. Grants provide funds for humanities projects of extended scope including, but not limited to, lecture/discussion series, performance/discussions, exhibit/discussions, and film/video productions.
Deadline: Late-June for draft proposals
North Carolina Humanities Council Grassroots Grants
Grassroots grants provides up to $2,000 for scholar stipends, travel expenses including meals and lodging, publicity, and certain other expenses connected with a project of limited scope.
Deadline: First of the month. For example, a proposal submitted on September 1 will receive a funding decision by September 30 for a project that begins no earlier than November 1.
Golden Leaf Foundation Open Grants Program
In this program, the foundation focuses on the areas of Agriculture, Job Creation and Retention and Workforce Preparedness. Golden LEAF accepts applications from all communities in North Carolina; however, funded projects must benefit tobacco-dependent, economically distressed, and/or rural communities. Letter of intent must be submitted and accepted before a proposal is submitted.
Deadline: Continuous.
South Arts Presenter Assistance Grants
Funding from these small grants is meant to support Planning Grants for artist residencies and Travel Grants for professional development. The maximum request is $700.
Deadline: Continuous
North Carolina Rural Economic Development Center Research and Demonstration Grants Program
This program funds projects that address critical rural development issues at the community, regional, and state level. Priority is given to projects that will lead to job creation or new business development. Average grant award: $40,000.
Deadline: Proposals are accepted by invitation only.
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