K-12 Continuing Education Funding Guide

K-12 Grants for Continuing Education or Professional Development

These grants are for professional development, including project funding, fellowships, teaching awards, and continuing education. This guide was compiled by Appalachian State University Grants Resources & Services graduate assistants Jessica Donley and Mary Feamster.


Fund for Teachers
This program provides educators with resources necessary to pursue self-designed professional learning experiences. FFT grants may be used for an unlimited variety of projects designed to create enhanced learning environments. Individuals may apply for up to $5,000; teams may apply for up to $10,000.
Deadline: Late January

IRA Regie Routman Teacher Recognition Grant
This $2,500 award provides funds for a proposed project to improve teaching and learning for students.  Applicants must be outstanding elementary classroom teachers in grades K–6 (ages 5–12). Applicants must work at a school in which at least 60% of the students are eligible for free or reduced lunch. Grants may not be used for purchase of commercial programs. 
Deadline: Mid-November

Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program:

This program provides funding for highly accomplished U.S. primary and secondary teachers to travel abroad for 3-4 months for an intensive professional development program. Teachers of all subjects, guidance counselors, curriculum specialists, curriculum heads, Talented and Gifted coordinators, Special Education coordinators and media specialists/librarians may apply.
Deadline: Mid-December

The Korea Society Fellowship Programs

Educators, are invited to spend approximately twelve days in South Korea to participate in lectures, excursions, and discussions, as well as independent research in order to gain increased understanding of Korea’s past and present. Upon returning to the U.S., participants incorporate their Fellowship experience into their field of expertise.
Eligibility for Spring:
Administrators of instructional resources in a state department of education
K-12 educators who have enrolled in two or more of the in-service educational programs offered by The Korea Society
Eligibility for Summer:
Full-time middle school or high school teacher of Social Studies, World History, Geography, or a closely related subject. At least two years of teaching experience, commitment to at least 2 more years of full-time teaching.
Eligibility for Fall:
Textbook writers and editors, East Asia specialists in higher education. Priority consideration will be given to applicants planning to author textbooks on world history or Asian history, those who contribute articles to reference works, and those who will be editors of such works
Deadline: TBA

Teachers for Global Classrooms Program (TGC)
Program provides a professional development opportunity for middle and high school teachers from the United States to participate in a program aimed at globalizing teaching and learning in their classrooms. Applicants must be and full-time secondary-level (middle or high school), teaching professionals with at least 5 years of classroom experience in English as a Second Language, English Language or Literature, Social Studies, Mathematics, or Science.
Deadline: Early March

NEA Foundation Learning & Leadership Grants

Grants may either fund individual participation in high-quality professional development experiences, such as summer institutes or action research; or group collegial study, including study groups, action research, lesson study, or mentoring experiences for faculty or staff new to an assignment. The grant amount is $2,000 for individuals and $5,000 for groups engaged in collegial study. All professional development must improve practice, curriculum, and student achievement. Grants are awarded for a period of up to 12 months.
Deadlines: Applications are reviewed three times per year, every year.
Application Received By: February 1 Notification by: April 15
Application Received By: June 1 Notification by: September 15
Application Received By: October 15 Notification by: January 15

McCarthey Dressman Education Foundation Teacher Development Grants

The Teacher Development Grants support small teams of teachers in the creation and application of groundbreaking K-12 classroom instruction. The grants provide opportunities for teachers to integrate fresh strategies that encourage critical inquiry and to observe their effects on students. Teachers have the opportunity to reflect and write about their projects, as well as to share their results with other teachers. The Foundation awards grants to individuals up to $10,000 per year for a maximum of three years.
Deadline: Mid-April

The Braitmayer Foundation

The Foundation is interested in proposals utilizing innovative practices in K-12 education throughout the United States for funds to be used as seed money, challenge grants, or matching funds. Grants may be awarded up to $35,000 to tax-exempt organizations (not individuals)
Deadline: mid-March

 Subject Specific

Children’s Literature

May Hill Arbuthnot Honor Lecture Award
This annual $1,000 award is given to an author, critic, librarian, historian, or teacher of children's literature. It affords the awardee an opportunity to celebrate and add to the knowledge and scholarship in the field of children’s literature, by preparing a paper relevant to children’s literature to be presented in April. The resulting lecture is published in Children & Libraries: The Journal of the Association for Library Service to ChildrenDeadline: Late December

Reading Education:

IRA Award for Technology and Reading
The IRA Award for Technology and Reading honors K-12 educators making outstanding contributions to reading education through the use of technology. Entrants must be educators who work directly with students ages 5–18. Awards are given for completed projects, not project proposals.
Deadline: Mid-November

Constitutional Studies:

James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation
Fellowships are awarded for graduate study of the U.S. Constitution. High school teachers of American history, American government, and social studies are eligible. One fellow from each state is chosen per year. Fellows receive up to $24,000 to help fund graduate study leading to a master’s degree in history, political science, or education. Both full- and part-time fellowships are available. Senior Fellowships are awarded to teachers who wish to undertake work for a graduate degree on a part-time basis through summer and evening classes. Senior Fellows have up to five years to complete their degree.
Deadline: Early March


KSTF Teaching Fellowships 
This 5-year program provides stipends, training, and grants for the purchase of materials. 
These awards target early-career science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) teachers with the potential to develop the content knowledge needed for teaching, the potential to develop exemplary teaching practices, and the potential to develop the qualities of a teacher leader. Fellowships are intended for individuals committed to teaching STEM related subjects to high school students.  
Deadline: Late October

Teacher Professional Development Grants for Grades 9-12 Teachers
*Applicants must be members of NCTM*
This grant supports professional development to improve competence in the teaching of mathematics. Grants of a maximum of $3,000 will be awarded to person(s) currently teaching at the grades 9–12 level. Proposals including professional development involving the use of technology to enhance student learning are encouraged. 
Deadline: Early November

Frontiers in Physiology Research Teacher Fellowships
Current Middle and high school science teachers (grades 6-12) from all science disciplines with a minimum of one full year of teaching experience are eligible to apply. Targets those with little research experience. This award combines a summer research project with year-long professional development support.
Deadline: Mid-January

Einstein Fellowship Program Overview

This program provides a unique professional development opportunity for accomplished K-12 educators in STEM fields to serve in the national education arena. Fellows spend eleven months working in a Federal agency or in a U.S. Congressional office, bringing their extensive knowledge and experience in the classroom to education program and/or education policy efforts. The award includes a stipend plus allowances for travel, living, and relocation.  
Deadline: Early December

Holocaust Education

Museum Teacher Fellowship Program

This Program enables talented teachers to become leaders in Holocaust education. Educators from grades 7 through 12, as well as community college faculty are eligible. Applicants must demonstrate extensive knowledge of Holocaust history, successful teaching experience, and participation in community and professional organizations.Fellows participate in a summer institute in Washington, DC. Afterward, they create and implement an outreach project in their schools, colleges, communities, or professional organizations. Applicants must teach in United States schools and have taught the Holocaust for a minimum of five years.
Deadline: Early March


Arts in Education: Professional Development for Arts Educators

This program supports the implementation of high-quality model professional development programs in elementary and secondary education for music, dance, drama, media arts, or visual arts, for educators and other arts instructional staff of K-12 students in high-poverty schools.
Deadline: Mid-

Membership Specific

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Mathematics Course Work Scholarships for Grades PreK-5 Teachers
 Applicant must be an NCTM member or work at an NCTM member school*
The purpose of this grant is to provide financial support for improving teachers’ understanding of mathematics by completing course work in mathematics. For 2014–2015, scholarships up to $2,000 each will be awarded to persons currently teaching at the Pre K–5 level. Primary emphasis is placed on appropriate mathematics content courses. Mathematics education courses may also qualify if a suitable rationale is furnished by the applicant. Proposals must address rationale for the coursework, anticipated instructional improvements, and projected impact on student learning.
Deadline: Early November

Professional Development Scholarship Emphasizing the History of Mathematics for Grades http://www.nctm.org/Grants/
The purposes of this scholarship are to provide financial support for (1) completing credited course work in the history of mathematics, (2) creating and testing appropriate classroom activities incorporating the history of mathematics, and (3) preparing and delivering a professional development presentation to colleagues. For 2015-2016 a scholarship with a (max $3,000) will be awarded to an individual currently teaching mathematics at the grades 6–12 level.
Deadline: Early May

Summer Mathematics Study Grants for Grades 6-8 Teachers
The purpose of this grant is to provide financial support for teachers seeking to improve their understanding of mathematics by completing course work in mathematics content. Grants with a maximum of $6,000 each will be awarded to persons currently teaching at the grades 6-8 level. Proposals should address rationale for the coursework, anticipated instructional improvements, and the expected impact on student learning.
Deadline: Early November

National Science Teachers Association

Pasco STEM Educator Awards

Awardees receive up to $1000 to cover travel expenses to attend the NSTA national conference and be part of a STEM share-a-thon workshop, a $500 monetary gift, and a $5000 certificate for Pasco scientific products. Applicants must be 6-12 STEM educators with at least 3 years teaching experience.
Deadline: Late November

Vernier Technology Awards

This award recognizes the innovative use, or potential use, of data-collection technology in the science classroom. The award consists of a $1,000 prize; $3,000 in Vernier products; and up to $1,500 towards expenses to attend the NSTA National Conference on Science Education. Applicants must be teachers of science in grades K–college classrooms who reside in an NSTA district.
Deadline: Late November